Collaborative online teaching: Digital competences at the UOC

This resource is a guide that intended mainly for teachers who work online and choose to do so in a cooperative manner. In any case, it may be used to foster strategies for teaching-related teamwork.

  • Online collaboration, digital competences, virtual environment, online teamwork, group tasks, virtual cooperation, Virtual Communication, asynchronous teaching, Cooperation,
  • text | image
  • text: articles, documents images: icongraphy
  • Teresa Romeu, Montse Guitert
  • Public Domain
  • Indicate the pedagogical/teaching methods characterizing the unit (you may indicate more than one technique) □ Direct teaching (e.g. teacher giving a lecture to introduce key concepts) □ Modeling (e.g. thinking aloud technique based on teacher shaping conceptual reasoning) □ Discussion (e.g. students engaged in an open debate on a certain topic) □ Group work (e.g., students working in small group to pursue a common objective) □ Role play/Simulation (e.g. students interpreting a role in a given situation) X Project work (e.g., students working in small group to develop a project) X Problem finding/solving (e.g., students discovering problems and/or exploring possible solutions) □ Brainstorming (e.g. students engaged in process of generation of ideas) □ Case study (e.g. students involved in case analysis)
  • Specify the (self-)evaluation strategy to assess learning results (you may indicate more than one technique) □ Formative evaluation (i.e. feedback provided during the process) □ Final evaluation (e.g. using a rubric to evaluate students’ final media products) X Self-evaluation (e.g. students self-evaluate their products) □ Peer evaluation (e.g. mutual evaluation among students)