Contacts at UOC

Juliana Raffaghelli is researcher at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain), Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. PhD in Education and Cognitive Sciences (University of Venice). She has been a researcher, coordinator of international and European projects, educational technologist, teacher and trainer at the University of Florence, the University of Trento, the Institute for Educational Technologies (Italian National Research Council) and the University of Venice. Her research interests focus on professional development for the use of technologies in teaching and other work contexts mediating international / global collaboration. Recently, she has been exploring how to develop educators’ critical data literacies and the emerging practices embracing different data epistemologies (

Teresa Romeu is an associate Professor at the Studies of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, UOC.  She coordinates teacher training who joins the university. She is a researcher at the Edul@b research group, a consolidated research group (SGR1174) on Education and ICT. Her field of research focuses on e-learning and more specifically on collaborative work in network, online teaching and the use and application of digital technologies in different fields and educational levels. She has developed innovation projects in the conceptualization of multimedia didactic resources on digital competences. She has participated in national and international invited papers and is an evaluator in scientific journals of her area of experience

Marc Romero is Professor at the Studies of Psychology and Sciences of the Education at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), ICT competences’ course coordinator. He also is a member of the Edul@b research group (UOC). His research focuses on Educational Technology and E-learning and more specifically on the students’ Digital Competence and collaborative learning in virtual environments. He has been involved in several founded projects in his area of research and has participated in conferences and workshops.

Dèlia Español graduated in Industrial Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and a Master in Education and ICT from the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). She is an expert STEAM teachers’ trainer and teacher, with growing experience in the field of technology enhanced learning at school.  Along her professional activities as a math and technology teacher in High School, she has adopted an interdisciplinary perspective, combining her technical studies with education. Over that basis she has carried out a number of educational projects in STEAM at several levels of the schooling system (both upper secondary and lower secondary).