These resources come from an existing research project and a brief description of this can
be found below taken from their website.
There are three different types of resources used as a package. They can facilitate
educational scenarios and are used for student workshops (three workshops with each
taking around 90–100 minutes to complete).
An instructional guide for pre-teens, educators and families that contains material to
support them with developing data literacies.
PowerPoint presentations for the workshops.
An open access app for Android and iOS systems (you need to contact the research team
for a code).
“Developing Personal Data Literacies in Pre-Teens” is a research project funded by the
National Agency for Research and Innovation (ANII) and Fundación Ceibal. Working with
children (aged 8-12 years) in Uruguay and Australia, the aim of the program is to develop
understanding of personal data so they can better manage and protect their privacy online.
The children used an educational social media application (‘app’), FriendSend, for a period of three weeks and participated in a series of workshops designed to build these young users’ knowledge of the technical features of social media platforms and how personal data are produced and processed as a consequence of use. The Data Smart Kids program was developed in collaboration with students and teachers at participating schools through an iterative design process. We worked with Uruguayan and Australian preteens, with the aim of carrying out a study with comparative aspects, exploring how preteens’ students understand and relate to social networks and the way in which their personal data is produced and processed during their use”
Project deSHAME: Tackling online sexual harassment among young people aged 13-17
From website:
Project deSHAME II is a collaboration between Childnet (UK), Save the Children (Denmark) and UCLan (UK), co-financed by the EU. Together we aim to tackle peer-based online sexual harassment by empowering local communities to work together to increase reporting among young people. We have already completed the first stage of the project which looked at the 13-17 age group, teachers and police. The second stage of the project
started in August 2019 and focuses on supporting 9-12 year olds and parents and carers.
Project deSHAME has already launched new resources for schools, as well as for law enforcement, on addressing online sexual harassment amongst young people aged 13 – 17 years.
The ‘Step Up Speak Up’ Toolkit includes practical, scenario-based and interactive activities including lesson plans, films, workshops and assemblies. It also includes advice and guidance for school staff, police and other professionals working with children.
The teaching toolkit comprises 4 lesson plans with accompanying films, an audio story, workshops and an assembly presentation
‘Digiworld’ digital content curriculum
This content has been created for children (aged between 5-16), families and schools by Telenor Group (telecom company) in partnership with Parent Zone (UK organisation on digital parenting). See description below from website:
Fun online quizzes, a digital library full of challenges and downloadable worksheets allow children to explore at their own pace and progress through different levels depending on
their age, experience and ability. Certificates are awarded at each level to enable children to demonstrate their new understanding and to recognise their achievements.
The supporting guides help parents, carers and teachers to play and learn alongside their children and to actively support them in developing their digital understanding and resilience
Sosiaalinen media vaikuttamisen välineenä
Toteutusehdotus työpajasta, jossa osallistujat pääsevät tutustumaan vaikuttamiseen sosiaalisen median kautta. Vaikuttamista harjoitellaan suunnittelemalla oma sosiaalisen median kampanja ja luomalla postaus Instagramiin. Työpaja on toteutettavissa sekä etä- että lähitapaamisena. Työapajan kohderyhmänä ovat 13-15-vuotiaat.
[Implementation proposal from a workshop where participants get to know influencing through social media. Influencing is practiced by designing a social media campaign in groups and creating an individual posting on Instagram. The workshop can be held both online and face-to-face. The target group of the workshop are 13-15 year olds.]
Vinkkejä videoblogeihin
Materiaali sisältää vinkkejä, jotka tutustuttavat oman elämän dokumentointiin ja ohjaavat kertomaan itselleen ajankohtaisista mietteistä, toiveista, unelmista ja tunteista videobloggaamalla. Materiaali on tarkoitettu yli 10-vuotiaille lapsille ja nuorille.
[The material include tips that introduce children and young people over the age of 10 to documenting their own lives and help them learn to tell about their current thoughts, desires, dreams or emotions through video blogging.]