Cittadini digitali: tra informazione e mobilitazione
Negli ultimi anni, si sono potuti osservare futuri presidenti degli Stati Uniti d’America investire milioni di dollari in web
reputation, e organizzazioni in rivolta contro il regime organizzarsi dal basso con strumenti che la rete offre
gratuitamente. Dove la rete arriva, c’è la possibilità di rintracciare rivoluzioni e ribaltamenti. Quando essa giunge a
contatto con le scienze politiche, genera affascinanti paradigmi come l’eGovernment, l’eDemocracy, l’eParliament, gli
open-data, il civic hacking e l’eDiplomacy. Il punto è chiaro: si tratta di un enorme potere in grado di aggregare,
potenzialmente, il mondo intero. Una tale irruenza, se gestita da un decisore sapiente, potràrivoluzionare anche il
rapporto tra governi e cittadini, tra autoritàe societàcivile, restituendo nuova linfa a queste relazioni.
Digitaitajat on 8.-luokkalaisille suunnattu valinnaiskurssi, jossa opetetaan kriittisen digitaalisen lukutaidon eri osa-alueisiin liittyviä aiheita. Kurssin esittelyvideo antaa vinkkejä opettajille vastaavan kurssin suunnittelemiseen. Täältä DETECT-projektin tietopankista löytyy paljon materiaalia, jota voi hyödyntää varsinaisiin kurssisisältöihin.
Food surplus workshop
This project on food surplus was carried out in October 2020 with eighth-grade students in Finland. In total eight Finnish teachers participated in the planning and implementation of this theme week and two teachers planned this workshop on food surplus. The preliminary planning of this project took about three days and the last day of this theme week was used for evaluation and reporting of the workshops.
The aim of this project was to learn about climate change with different themes. Other goals for this project were learning about different digital text types and creating them. The eighth-grade students of a Finnish lower secondary school were divided into groups of about 10 students and they worked together in a two-day workshop with the direction of two teachers. The outcome of this project were different multimodal presentations made by the students. |
Digital Citizenship resources
This website created by Common Sense organisation contains a range of resources for teaching digital citizenship to students of a range of ages and levels. The resources are organised based on the following educational levels:
The resources range from videos, to presentation slides, customisable resources as well as bilingual material. So if you are a teacher or parent you can explore the various resources to see what is relevant for your students or children’s needs.
My data and privacy online toolkit
This is tookit that contains a range of resources that aim to help teachers, students and parents answer questions regarding data and privacy online. It has been designed and developed in discussion with young people in the UK.
As the creators of the toolkit state: “We developed this online toolkit to promote children’s understanding of the digital environment and support them to make good decisions about privacy online. The toolkit is aimed at children of secondary school age, parents and educators, and was developed with the participation of a mix of children in Years 8 and 10. It includes information and resources on: why privacy online is important, how online data is generated and used, children’s rights, privacy-related risks and protective strategies, where to seek support, suggestions and recommendations from children, and fun resources to watch and play.”