This resource is a video lecture where the researchers Liisa Ilomäki and Minna Lakkala from the University of Helsinki
The length of the video is 9.27 minutes.Critical Digital Literacies Framework
The Critical Digital Literacies framework for educators aims to capture the various dimensions and sub-dimensions of critical digital literacies which are vital for educators and students living, teaching and learning in a digital world.
Read the Framework here.
Empathy package – Information and tools for a more empathic daily life
The Empathy Package includes tools, guides and materials for learning and teaching empathy, such as study modules, videos, tests ans surveys, task templates and guidelines. There are separate sections that provide support for 1) children and young people, 2) teachers, and 3) parents. Some materials are only in Finnish, some also in English.
Polkuja medialukutaitoon – Opas vuosiluokille 7-9
Opas tarjoaa opettajille käytännönläheisiä esimerkkejä ja pedagogisia malleja medialukutaidon edistämiseen vuosiluokilla 7-9. Opas on saatavilla suomeksi ja ruotsiksi ja se on osa laajempaa suomalaista Uudet lukutaidot -kokonaisuutta (
[This is a guidebook that offers practical examples and pedagogical models to teachers for promoting medialiteracy in lower secondary school. The guidebook is available in Finnish and Swedish, and it belongs to a larger Finnish material package about New literacies (]
Polkuja medialukutaitoon – Opas vuosiluokille 1-6
Opas tarjoaa opettajille käytännönläheisiä esimerkkejä ja pedagogisia malleja medialukutaidon edistämiseen vuosiluokilla 1-6. Opas on saatavilla suomeksi ja ruotsiksi ja se on osa laajempaa suomalaista Uudet lukutaidot -kokonaisuutta (
[This is a guidebook that offers practical examples and pedagogical models to teachers for promoting medialiteracy in elementary school. The guidebook is available in Finnish and Swedish, and it belongs to a larger Finnish material package about New literacies (]