The presentation introduces the subject of social media use and well-being. There are questions to be discussed with the students, such as: How do you use social media? Why do you use social media? How often do you comment on posts on social media? What kind of photos or other pictures do you use on social media? The purpose of the presentation is to evoke a student’s thinking about her or his own use of social media
Critical Digital Literacies Framework
The Critical Digital Literacies framework for educators aims to capture the various dimensions and sub-dimensions of critical digital literacies which are vital for educators and students living, teaching and learning in a digital world.
Read the Framework here.
Programme the Future
This collection of educational scenarios for primary and lower secondary school aims at showing how to use digital technologies in a conscious and safe way. It includes not only the material for teaching these topics, but also some sketches to discuss these also in family context.