This resource is a learning object based on technology H5P and could be implemented in any WordPress or Moodle course.
It contains a full activity aimed at exploring a dimension of the Critical Digital Literacies Framework: Online Communication & Collaboration. The aim of the activities embedded in this learning object are to develop teachers’ understanding of the main problems of technology usage around the CDL subdimension Digital identities and profiles process for the secondary school level.
Therefore the teachers can delve into the concepts, current research and policymaking context; they are offered questions to reflect on their teaching to deal with a critical usage
of technology.
Moreover, the teachers are provided with some instructions to reflect on design for learning to develop critical digital literacies in their classrooms.
Sosiaalinen media vaikuttamisen välineenä
Toteutusehdotus työpajasta, jossa osallistujat pääsevät tutustumaan vaikuttamiseen sosiaalisen median kautta. Vaikuttamista harjoitellaan suunnittelemalla oma sosiaalisen median kampanja ja luomalla postaus Instagramiin. Työpaja on toteutettavissa sekä etä- että lähitapaamisena. Työapajan kohderyhmänä ovat 13-15-vuotiaat.
[Implementation proposal from a workshop where participants get to know influencing through social media. Influencing is practiced by designing a social media campaign in groups and creating an individual posting on Instagram. The workshop can be held both online and face-to-face. The target group of the workshop are 13-15 year olds.]
Polkuja medialukutaitoon – Opas vuosiluokille 7-9
Opas tarjoaa opettajille käytännönläheisiä esimerkkejä ja pedagogisia malleja medialukutaidon edistämiseen vuosiluokilla 7-9. Opas on saatavilla suomeksi ja ruotsiksi ja se on osa laajempaa suomalaista Uudet lukutaidot -kokonaisuutta (
[This is a guidebook that offers practical examples and pedagogical models to teachers for promoting medialiteracy in lower secondary school. The guidebook is available in Finnish and Swedish, and it belongs to a larger Finnish material package about New literacies (]
Polkuja medialukutaitoon – Opas vuosiluokille 1-6
Opas tarjoaa opettajille käytännönläheisiä esimerkkejä ja pedagogisia malleja medialukutaidon edistämiseen vuosiluokilla 1-6. Opas on saatavilla suomeksi ja ruotsiksi ja se on osa laajempaa suomalaista Uudet lukutaidot -kokonaisuutta (
[This is a guidebook that offers practical examples and pedagogical models to teachers for promoting medialiteracy in elementary school. The guidebook is available in Finnish and Swedish, and it belongs to a larger Finnish material package about New literacies (]
Programme the Future
This collection of educational scenarios for primary and lower secondary school aims at showing how to use digital technologies in a conscious and safe way. It includes not only the material for teaching these topics, but also some sketches to discuss these also in family context.