This resource is a video where the Finnish teachers, Arja Kangasharju and Susanna Talka-Korhonen from Lintumetsä school, discuss issues related to Critical Digital Literacies: students’ digital competencies, challenges for teachers’ to teach Critical Digital Literacies competencies and relevant issues to teach to students. The discussion is in Finnish but there are subtitles in English. The length of the video is 4.46 minutes.
Video presentation of the DETECT Critical Digital Literacies framework
This resource is a video lecture where the researchers Liisa Ilomäki and Minna Lakkala from the University of Helsinki
The length of the video is 9.27 minutes.Video explanation Digital Content Creation dimension
Minna Lakkala from the University of Helsinki explains the Digital Content Creation dimension from the DETECT project framework.
Critical Digital Literacies Framework
The Critical Digital Literacies framework for educators aims to capture the various dimensions and sub-dimensions of critical digital literacies which are vital for educators and students living, teaching and learning in a digital world.
Read the Framework here.
Guides for teen
These educational tools for students aim at raising awareness on the violent contents of media and promoting civic engagement and media/digital literacy. They have been developed under the project e-EAV (e-Engagement Against Violence), supported by the DAPHNE-programme 2012-2014.
About the project
“The project looked at the pronounced populist and racist movements and groups in seven European countries, i.e. Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Great Britain, Slovenia.
The project analysed media and their use by populism actors. It looked into communication strategies of movements and their messages directed against “the Other”. The aim was to contribute to empowerment of youth and of teachers in counteracting racism”