Vuorovaikutteinen kriittisen digitaalisen lukutaidon malli

Vuorovaikkuteinen malli kriittisestä digitaalisesta lukutaidosta. Materiaali sisältää eri dimensioiden ja aladimensioiden kirjalliset selitykset suomeksi sekä koko mallin ja sen dimensioita esittelevät videot englanniksi. Materiaali on toteutettu Englanninkielinen versio mallista löytyy osoitteesta

[Interactive Critical Digital Literacies Framework with textual explanations in Finnish and video presentations in English. The material is created using service. See the English version of the material from]

Digital Resilience Toolkit

The toolkit aims to support younger children as well as older children and teens with developing digital resilience. Digital resilience refers to the ability to cope with whatever situations they face when they go online.

There are different resources available such as videos and downloadable PFDs that offer parents and teachers practical information and tips regarding supporting children and young people with developing digital resilience.

My data and privacy online toolkit

This is tookit that contains a range of resources that aim to help teachers, students and parents answer questions regarding data and privacy online. It has been designed and developed in discussion with young people in the UK.

As the creators of the toolkit state: “We developed this online toolkit to promote children’s understanding of the digital environment and support them to make good decisions about privacy online. The toolkit is aimed at children of secondary school age, parents and educators, and was developed with the participation of a mix of children in Years 8 and 10. It includes information and resources on: why privacy online is important, how online data is generated and used, children’s rights, privacy-related risks and protective strategies, where to seek support, suggestions and recommendations from children, and fun resources to watch and play.”