Find the fake

This is an online quiz on the topic of fake news. The quiz is divided in three parts. You start with the first part and you progress to the next quizzes. Also you need to select the quiz that best suits the child’s age. It takes about 15 – 30 mins to play to get the best out of it.

Media Literacy resource – Accessing, analysing and creating media

This is a resource for teachers of pupils aged 8-14 who aim to support their students with developing media literacy. This can be used by teachers to enhance their own confidence regarding the area of media literacy by providing a step-by-step learning guide over the course of ten lessons. It can also be used with students in order to support them with developing and using a number of skills and approaches relating to media literacy.

Misleading information

This is a visual resource that teachers and students can use to deepen the theme of misleading information type. This infographic offers a useful classification, indicating also the characteristics of these information and their impact. This resource has been developed by EAVI – the European Association for Viewers Interests. It is an  international non-profit organisation in Brussels that promotes media literacy in the perspective of active citizenship.