Challenges for teachers’ to teach Critical Digital Literacies

This resource is a video where the Finnish teachers, Arja Kangasharju and Susanna Talka-Korhonen from Lintumetsä school, discuss issues related to Critical Digital Literacies: students’ digital competencies, challenges for teachers’ to teach Critical Digital Literacies competencies and relevant issues to teach to students. The discussion is in Finnish but there are subtitles in English. The length of the video is 4.46 minutes.

Hyvinvointia digiarjessa -oppituntimalli

Materiaalissa kuvataan oppituntimalli, jonka tavoitteena on tukea hyvinvointia edistävää mediankäyttöä sekä kiinnittää huomiota arjen hyvinvoinnin perusasioihin. Mallia voi käyttää alakoulun 5.-6. -luokalla sekä sekä yläkoulun 7.-9. luokalla. Oppituntimalli koostuu kolmesta osiosta: lämmittelytehtävästä (orientoiva video) ja kolmesta teematehtävästä.

[The material describes a lesson model that aims to support the use of media taking into account well-being and draws attention to the basics of everyday well-being. The model can be used in grades 5 and 6 six in elementary school and in grades 7 and 9 in lower secondary school. The lesson model consists of three sections: a warm-up task (orientation video) and three thematic tasks. The material is only in Finnish]

Social media and well-being

The presentation introduces the subject of social media use and well-being. There are questions to be discussed with the students, such as: How do you use social media? Why do you use social media? How often do you comment on posts on social media? What kind of photos or other pictures do you use on social media? The purpose of the presentation is to evoke a student’s thinking about her or his own use of social media

Media Literacy resource – Accessing, analysing and creating media

This is a resource for teachers of pupils aged 8-14 who aim to support their students with developing media literacy. This can be used by teachers to enhance their own confidence regarding the area of media literacy by providing a step-by-step learning guide over the course of ten lessons. It can also be used with students in order to support them with developing and using a number of skills and approaches relating to media literacy.