The goals of the workshop were to teach the topic of climate change to 8th graders and develop their skills of online inquiry.The students made presentations of climate change to different target groups. The workshop was part of the larger Climate change project (‘theme days’) for all 8th graders. The workshop lasted three days, during which the students learned methods for online inquiry, how to be critical to the data in the Internet and search for suitable data to their target group (e.g. pre-school children, other students in the lower secondary school, parents and the local people in the suburb area). The students designed and created presentations, such as videos, articles to the local magazine and a speech to the school radio. All the presentations were published after the workshop.
Find the fake
This is an online quiz on the topic of fake news. The quiz is divided in three parts. You start with the first part and you progress to the next quizzes. Also you need to select the quiz that best suits the child’s age. It takes about 15 – 30 mins to play to get the best out of it.
Video presentation of the DETECT Critical Digital Literacies framework
This resource is a video lecture where the researchers Liisa Ilomäki and Minna Lakkala from the University of Helsinki
The length of the video is 9.27 minutes.Media Literacy resource – Accessing, analysing and creating media
This is a resource for teachers of pupils aged 8-14 who aim to support their students with developing media literacy. This can be used by teachers to enhance their own confidence regarding the area of media literacy by providing a step-by-step learning guide over the course of ten lessons. It can also be used with students in order to support them with developing and using a number of skills and approaches relating to media literacy.
Critical Digital Literacies Framework
The Critical Digital Literacies framework for educators aims to capture the various dimensions and sub-dimensions of critical digital literacies which are vital for educators and students living, teaching and learning in a digital world.
Read the Framework here.